is one of the prominent pastimes of Bolsena, and is still
practiced by local fishermen who use the triangular boats
and asymmetric paddles that are typical of the area. Sport
fishermen can enjoy catching the particularly abundant "persico trota" (black bass spinning ), but also "persico reale"
(royal perch), , "luccio"
(pike), "tinca", "carpa" (carp) ,coregone and "anguilla"
(eel).You can also arrive with your bassboat just to the shore of the lake directly in farmhouse . Place fantastic for bellyboat fishing along the
adjacent long reeds .
reservation , small fishing inflatable boats , 3 mt lenght with electric engine and echosounder, powered by
electric engine, or bassboat 40hp ( nitro 640 LX) can be
available in agriturismo. Have a look at for more information about availability and costs or contact Mr. Paolo Chiovelli phone 0761366361 - mobile 3467229725 , mail